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The Mystical Beauty of Crystals Crystals have long been revered for their beauty and mystical properties, serving as conduits for healing, protection, and transformation. Each crystal, with its unique structure and vibrational energy, connects with us in profound ways. However, the care of these precious stones is paramount to maintaining their power. Among the various […]

Crystal & Magic: Intention Setting & Manifesting Using Crystal Grids
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If you’ve ever felt drawn to the shimmering allure of crystals, you’re about to embark on a truly enchanting journey. Crystals aren’t only the earth’s natural treasures; they’re companions that are ready to guide you toward healing, growth, and profound transformation. In this article, I invite you to explore the captivating world of crystals and […]

Goal Setting V Intention Setting
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When it comes to listening to our intuition, let’s explore the difference between intention setting and goal setting and how to tap into our soul’s desires! Intention Setting I get asked a lot about the difference between intention setting vs goals. Maybe you’re wondering what the difference is between the two as well. It’s a […]

Have you ever had a day where you see the same number repeating itself over and over and wondered what it was? I wanted to share with you something that came to me that I realised I do naturally and I just thought, what a wonderful thing to share and see if you do the same thing, or if you don’t, I recommend giving it a go!

I’m sharing with you how I incorporate angel numbers into my everyday life. If you’re not familiar with angel numbers, they’re repetitive numbers that we see throughout our day and they’re meant to be linked to little messages we’re receiving from the angels.

December 1, 2022
Using Angel Numbers In Your Everyday Life

Hello, beautiful. I just want to share something with you that is coming up a lot in my coaching sessions at the moment. I talk a lot about journaling and the huge benefits that journaling can do for you. It’s not just a nice little pretty exercise, it’s basically a way to brain dump all the stuff that’s going on in your head that might be bogging you down.

It’s a very simple yet effective way to release any worries or thoughts that may be weighing you down. If you’re a bit of an overthinker like me, journaling is just an amazing practice to get into.

November 1, 2022
The One Journaling Tip To Set You Free

There’s lots of planetary stuff going on recently so I wanted to share with you my top 5 ways to shift your energy in under a minute!

Thankfully we are now coming out of it and things are starting to settle but I wanted to share with you my top tips when you’ve got some of what I call heavy, funky energy. When we’re feeling maybe a bit heavy, and we’re not really sure how to shift this energy.

October 1, 2022
5 Easy Ways To Shift Your Energy In Under A Minute!