Why Visualisation Works And What To Do If You Aren’t A Visual Person

Intention, Manifesting, Mindset • August 1, 2023

Why Visualisation Works And What To Do If You Aren’t A Visual Person (Workshop)

Visualisation is such a powerful tool. It’s been proven scientifically that what we visualise can become our reality. Our brains can’t tell the difference between what is real and what isn’t, so by being super clear on what we want, it begins to materialise.

So, why is visualisation Important?

“Visualisation is important because it helps to prepare and to teach you how to respond to a situation before it happens. It also helps you achieve your goals by conditioning your brain to see, hear, and feel the success in your mind”(quote from esports health care).

This is why professional athletes use visualisation techniques and why it’s been proven to work so well.

So, something that has come up recently that I wanted to share with you is how do you visualise and create a vision board if you aren’t a visual person.

I hear you!

Can I let you in a little secret… I find it hard to visualise myself… There I said it!

However, on the flip side, I’m actually a very visual person in most areas of my life, and I learn visually too. So how do I then find it hard to visualise when it comes to vision boards?

How do you create a vision board and see your future then?

It seems ironic doesn’t it that I teach visualisation. The key I found is when there is a disconnect and someone just asked you to visualise something, you struggle to actually do it. That’s what I discovered for myself personally anyway.

However, when we fully lean into our desires on an emotional level, in an intentional way, then this practice becomes super easy.

How do I know?

By my own experience and methods that I have personally practised and used over many years and by witnessing the many students and clients that I’ve worked with over the years that seem to initially find this a challenge until I share my simple techniques which help to unlock and which helps them to get super clear clarity. It is through a mix of journaling and meditation that I teach and share.

I have some tips below so keep reading:

1) You need to have super clear clarity(during my workshop I show you how to do this)

2) You need to connect to your visualisation emotionally (during my workshop I show you how to do this)

3) You need to take aligned action (during my workshop I show you how to do this)

So here is the thing…

I practice what I teach. I will show you how to get clarity super fast. How to make sure that this is truly what your soul is asking for (without the mind monkeys at play) and how to tell the difference between your mind and your intuition.

Then I will show you how to put this all down, so you can make a commitment and affirm what you want to get the manifesting train rolling…


If you want to come and see how you can put these into practice, I’m running my first workshop for 2023 on SATURDAY 21 January in Avalon Beach, so come along and join in the fun. You’ll learn how to unlock this in a really simple and fun way. I gently guide you on how to get clarity fast so you are all set and ready to create a vision board.

I hope you can join us, we only have a few spots left so BOOK NOW to secure your spot.

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