Personal development doesn’t have to necessarily mean huge big leaps. It’s usually making slight subtle changes to our mindset, and our thinking, which then leads to changes in our habits and emotional intelligence, it all has a knock-on effect.

Journaling is a really underused practice and it is one of the key ways to delving into your subconscious to get clarity on things you aren’t necessarily aware of; it’s the key to turning things around. If you know what isn’t working for you that is a great clue to highlighting what it is you do want.

January 1, 2023
Business Life Magic Dream Life Manifesting Journal

Have you ever had a day where you see the same number repeating itself over and over and wondered what it was? I wanted to share with you something that came to me that I realised I do naturally and I just thought, what a wonderful thing to share and see if you do the same thing, or if you don’t, I recommend giving it a go!

I’m sharing with you how I incorporate angel numbers into my everyday life. If you’re not familiar with angel numbers, they’re repetitive numbers that we see throughout our day and they’re meant to be linked to little messages we’re receiving from the angels.

December 1, 2022
Using Angel Numbers In Your Everyday Life

There’s lots of planetary stuff going on recently so I wanted to share with you my top 5 ways to shift your energy in under a minute!

Thankfully we are now coming out of it and things are starting to settle but I wanted to share with you my top tips when you’ve got some of what I call heavy, funky energy. When we’re feeling maybe a bit heavy, and we’re not really sure how to shift this energy.

October 1, 2022
5 Easy Ways To Shift Your Energy In Under A Minute!