5 Ways To Shift Your Energy In Under A Minute!

Intention, Mindset • October 1, 2022

There’s lots of planetary stuff going on recently so I wanted to share with you my top 5 ways to shift your energy in under a minute!

Thankfully we are now coming out of it and things are starting to settle but I wanted to share with you my top tips when you’ve got some of what I call heavy, funky energy. When we’re feeling maybe a bit heavy, and we’re not really sure how to shift this energy.

I thought I’d run through some of my top five techniques that work for me and I find work really well with my clients, as well.

1. Music: Simply listening to music! It can be any of your favourite tunes. It quickly changes our vibration and helps to shift the heaviness that we can sometimes feel and make us feel a bit lighter.

2. Journaling: If you aren’t familiar with journaling, or maybe you are, this is just a really great way to brain-dump anything that’s holding us down. It’s a really good way to process because sometimes it’s actually in our subconscious. So there’s stuff going on that we don’t always know is playing out. So when we start journaling, this is a very simple way to release that. I have many different journaling techniques and tools that I use, to help ‘pivot’ that energy. You can simply shift and pivot the energy from that heaviness into a lighter energetic space.

3. Movement: This can be anything as simple as going for a walk, for a run, some sort of exercise, or dance, etc. I know there are lots of people I know still in lockdown, but you can do this in the privacy of your own home if you need to. You don’t actually always have to be outside, but just some form of movement that really can help shift our energy, as well.

4. Meditation: Meditating, gives us that little bit of stillness, time for us to slow down. If things are worrying us, concerning us, or maybe we’re feeling a bit anxious; anything that might be going on. This allows us to create some space and stillness within.

5. Gratitude: If you’re sort of feeling a lot of heaviness, then I suggest creating a gratitude list and being mindful of what things are currently in your life that are working for you and that you’re grateful for, this is a really great way to start. It is simple but effective and helps to shift that energy because sometimes we can get so focused on everything that isn’t working for us or anything that we’ve been quite fearful for or anxious about.

By simply bringing our attention back to what we’re grateful for, we can start bringing that positive focus back in, which allows us to focus on what we are wanting more of in our life, rather than focusing on what’s not working for us.

So there you have my top five!

Hopefully, if you’ve been feeling some kind of heaviness, I would suggest starting with just one from the list above. You don’t have to do all five straight away. Start with one and see how you go, and if you can start shifting that heavy energy.

I hope that’s helpful. Drop me a message below and let me know what you think and if you’ve tried any of my suggestions.

I’d love to hear from you!

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